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Work In Progress / 13 December 2022

Short Film Progress Log

I've been playing around with the idea of making a short film based on an idea I had a few years ago. I was recently laid off from my full time job so while I look for a new work home I've starting working on the film.
I recently created an unreal shot based on this concept which is kind of prequel to my main story idea. Now I'm fleshing out the shots for the actual film. I have a pretty clear idea of what shot I want so I've started blocking them out in Unreal and taking them to near finished point where they are ready to start animating them. So they serve as concept art/storyboards/lookdev. I finished the first one today so I thought I'd post it along with some progress shots.

This is what I'm calling done for now, and this is how it developed from my initial very rough idea.

Because I know this kind of Soviet era Apartment buildings will be in many shots, I created a houdini Digital Asset for Unreal that would let me create variants of the building. The modular pieces where modeled in Houdini and baked against several High Poly Versions with different edge wear. In Substance Painter I created a smart material that would export masks to use in the Unreal Material so I could control color and aging in the Material Instances. Here's a little video that shows off the functionality I built into it.

I've already started a few of the other shots I'm planning on and will continue to post my progress.

